Mainstream Music Is Shit vol.2 (2009)

Una gran recopilacion de canciones a cargo del sello discografico TNSRecords donde reune canciones de Ska-punk, ska-core y punk!
Altamente adictivo...
01. The Shadowcops - The Sleeper Awakes
02. Sounds of Swami - Bandwagon Hi-Jack
03. Revenge of the Psychotronic Man - Blackpool ROCK
04. Rising Strike - Force of Habit, Habit of Force
05. D'Corner Bois - Everything's a Mess
06. The Kirkz - Brain Dead
07. The Emos - Jason Bourne Ready
08. Dangerfields - Gimme Gimme Rock n' Roll
09. The Dead Reckoning - Heads Up
10. The Hyperjax - Talkin' New York City
11. The Great St Louis - Safe
12. The Nova Fives - Love Letters
13. Acid Drop - Polly Piper
14. Just Add Monsters - Discontent
15. Fair Do's - When It All Goes Wrong
16. The Dangerous Aces - Lock In
17. The Terrors - Disasters Only Get Worse?
18. SmackRats - Dead Men Don't Act Like C*nts
19. 2 Sick Monkeys - Why?
01. Harijan - Portland Street
02. Cartoon Violence - Kite
03. Stand Out Riot - Speacesuit
04. John Player Specials - the Wilsonator
05. Jimmy the Squirrel - Seat Up High
06. The Hostiles - Bad Day For Shorts
07. The Hijacks - Greed and Fear
08. The Fractions - Down and Out
09. Sense of Urgency - Lowbrow
10. A War Against Sound - Premature Chokehold
11. Kickback UK - Reality Check
12. Faintest Idea - Why Don't Rich Kids Go War?
13. The Autonomads - Supermarket Sweep
14. Rasta4Eyes - Oscar and Arthur
15. Just Panic - Killer Fairytales
16. Los Salvadores - Empty Boxes
17. Bootscraper - There Will Be Blood
18. The Medicine Bow - This Side of Town (Train Song)
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